Using computational physiological models of the auditory nerve to understand pitch perception for complex sounds.
Using computational physiological models of the auditory nerve to understand pitch perception for complex sounds.
From periodic sounds in the natural world, the auditory system extracts pitch, a perceptual correlate of fundamental frequency (F0) which is crucial for perception of speech and music. Many models of pitch perception rely heavily on the rate-place code, the pattern of average firing rates in neural populations tuned to specific frequencies. Using a physiological model of peripheral auditory processing at the level of the auditory nerve, we generated metamers – physically distinct stimuli with identical model outputs – of the rate-place code for stimuli containing one or multiple simultaneous pitches, across a range of frequencies and F0s. We hope that human behavioral and modeled neural responses to these auditory nerve rate metamers will reveal the extent to which different sources of pitch-related information can be used for pitch perception.
This work was presented at ARO 2024 as a poster: ARO_2024_poster_GravesGuestMehta (2)
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