LabNews Anjelica May092023

Anjelica presents her project at ASA 2023

Anjelica presented a poster on her EEG project investigating the Pitch Onset Response at the Acoustical Society of America meeting in Chicago. Great job, Anjelica!

LabNews Joscelyn May092023

Joscelyn presents her project at ASA 2023

Joscelyn presented a poster on her psychophysics project investigating spectro-temporal integration in pitch perception at the Acoustical Society of America meeting in Chicago. Great job, Josc!

Lab News April 082023

Anjelica has her Junior recital

Anjelica aced her Junior Recital as part of her Bachelors in Music degree! Congratulations, Anjelica!


Jackson joins the lab

We are excited to welcome Dr. Jackson Graves to the lab! Jackson completed his PhD in Psychology at UMN and a postdoc at ENS, Paris. Thrilled to have you in the lab, Jackson!

ian firstday

Zhiqing (Ian) Yin joins the lab

We are happy to have Zhiqing Yin join the lab as a research assistant after completing his Masters in BME at University of Michigan. Welcome Ian!

LabNews Feb152022

Anahita and Ilhan present a poster at ARO 2023

Anahita and Ilhan presented a poster at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter meeting in Orlando. The research investigates the cortical representation of harmonic and inharmonic sounds using fMRI and was conducted in collaboration with Drs. Allen, Mesik, Kay and Oxenham at the University of Minnesota.

Lab News Jan 01 2023

Carrie joins the lab on an NIH T32 postdoctoral fellowship

We are excited to welcome Dr. Carolyn (Carrie) Kroger to the lab! She finished her PhD in Psychology at MSU in December 2022 and was awarded an NIH postdoctoral T32 fellowship to pursue her postdoctoral research. Congratulations Carrie!

Labnews Dec112022

Holiday party!

Joint holiday party with the Banakis-Hartl lab 🙂

Labnews Nov102022

First EEG pilot

Josc is the first EEG pilot participant for Anjelica’s pitch-onset response EEG study.


Anjelica, Ilhan and Joscelyn join the lab

We are thrilled to welcome Anjelica Ferguson, Ilhan Onder and Joscelyn Kooistra to the lab as undergraduate research assistants. The lab officially has an N>1!